Labyrinth garden





Raffaello Galiotto


greenery partner



presentata nell’ambito dell’evento INTERNI Regeneration

6 – 13 giugno 2022


via Festa del Perdono 7

Labyrinth Garden is an engaging multicursal path extending 625 square metres in the 18th-century courtyard of the University of Milan. It features Sipario, an outdoor modular partition wall system in 100% recyclable regenerated plastic.
At the end of the event, all products will be reused and the plants have been donated to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan – Lodi Campus, for an urban redevelopment project.

An open-air labyrinth in the heart of Milan

Halfway between playfulness and reflection on the contemporary world, this labyrinth symbolises losing one’s way in the uncertain historical period we live in, marked by an unstable balance of issues concerning the environment, peace and health.
It therefore becomes a metaphor for disorientation, doubt, but also hope: in Labyrinth Garden, on their way, visitors will be able to climb above the labyrinth, look into the distance and get a glimpse of their own personal ‘way out’.

In the three ‘meditative’ areas of Labyrinth Garden, the key features also include the new collection of Stack and Combo stools and tables. Also made of recycled and 100% recyclable plastic, they are part of the REGENERATION industrial project by Nardi for the production of outdoor furniture made of post-consumer recycled plastic, which is also recyclable.
But what are the advantages of a Nardi product made of post-consumer plastic?
The LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study commissioned by Nardi certified virtuous data: in the case of Sipario 2, for example, environmental impacts were significantly lower in many of the categories examined. In particular, the carbon footprint* of Sipario, in regenerated polypropylene, was found to be 37.2% lower than the same product theoretically made from virgin polypropylene. **

*calculated by way of an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study from cradle to grave, using the IPCC 2013 method on 2019 data
**study subjected to critical review with release of certificate no. 75374 which attests that the comparative LCA study carried out on Sipario 2 is compliant with UNI EN ISO 14040:2021 and UNI EN ISO 14044:2021 standards