lithic design experiments using water jet cutting

mostra dei progetti del Laboratorio di Product Design I A.A.2016-17

Dipartimento di Architettura di Ferrara

Corso di laurea in Design del prodotto industriale


Raffaello Galiotto

Vincenzo Pavan

Laura Boffi

Carmela Vaccaro

Carlo Trevisani


Palazzo Tassoni Estense

dal 13 giugno 2017

Via della Ghiara 36, Ferrara


27 – 30 settembre 2017

Verona fiera, Hall 1

The course focuses on the technical and formal study and development of natural stone design elements made with water jet cutting technology.
Through collaboration with companies in the industry, experiments have been done on the possibility of working with materials having different physical, mechanical and aesthetic properties for the realisation of products designed for architecture, furnishings and design. It has been shown that it is possible to reduce material scrap by developing exploration projects that cut off sections and reutilise them in order to make mass produced design elements employing an industrial process.
The final phase of the design process led to the physical realisation of models and prototypes using water jet tools and equipment in the university’s model workshop and with the contribution of partner companies.