
The material con-forms

exposition projects of the cours Laboratorio di Tecnologie di prodotto II  A.A.2011-12

Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara

Corso di laurea in Design del prodotto industriale


Design del prodotto, prof. Raffaello Galiotto

Tecnologie del design, prof. Andrea Morgante

Metodi di ottimizzazione della forma, prof. Enrico Milani


july – september 2012

Palazzo Tassoni Estense

Via della Ghiara 36, Ferrara

The decision to focus Product Technologies Workshop II, academic year 2011-2012, on the design of containers for domestic use, originated from the intention to place the student in front of the design of a concrete object, which can be related to a daily reality and be hypothetically manufactured by local companies. This theme thus allowed effective dialogue between the reality of university and that of production. Despite appearances, the design of a commonly used object is not at all simple; its functionality is constricting and forces the designer to meet ergonomic requirements and to analyse the parts of the human body coming into contact with the product − such as the hands and the mouth − with which countless movements are made every day. This is not always a simple and enjoyable process.

As these commercial objects are easily found and identified, thanks to widespread and low cost production, the student was able to identify him/herself with the user and to study the product by directly examining its performance.

By observing and analysing physical objects, first through touch, then through manual and technical design, and finally through the creation of an accurate three dimensional cardboard reproduction, the student aimed to point out various aspects of the product that could potentially be improved and then to highlight them in the project through innovative elements: the subject and final objective of the course.

Knowledge of the production systems described in the classroom and then included in focused visits to companies in the sector made the design possible according to feasibility criteria.